The National Library of Australia is replacing the infrastructure that supports the Australian National Bibliogaphic Database (ANBD) in 2025. From 27 March - mid-April direct cataloguing to the ANBD will be unavailable. The Trove Partners Cataloguing tool will be released in mid-April. More information is available on the Trove Partners learning hub.
Academic American encyc., 1996 (Ibn Gabirol, Solomon ben Judah, ca. 1021-ca. 1058)
Azharot le-ḥag ha-Shavuʻot. Sefer Azharot le-ḥag ha-Shavuʻot, 1990 t.p. (Shelomoh ben Gevirol)
Britannica, 1997 (Ibn Gabirol; in full, Solomon ben Yehuda Ibn Gabirol; Abū Ayyūb Sulaymān ibn Yaḥyā ibn Gabirūt [sic]; Avicebron; Avencebrol; ca. 1022-ca. 1070)
Donati, F. Tapuḥe zahav = Poma aurea Hebraicae linguae ... 1618 p. 114 (libellus Rabbi Salomonis, filij Gabirolis)
El alma lastimada, c1992 t.p. (Ibn Gabirol) p. 4 of cover(b. 1021 in Málaga; d. bet. 1053 & 1058; Salomón ibn Gabirol)
Encyc. Americana, 1992 (Ibn Gabirol, Solomon ben Judah, 1021?-1056?)
Encyc. Britannica, 1978 (Ibn Gabirol; in full, Solomon ben Yehuda Ibn Gabirol, Latin name Avicebron; b. ca. 1022; d. ca. 1070)
Encyc. Jud., 1973 (Gabirol, Solomon ben Judah, Ibn; ca. 1020-ca. 1057)
Encyc. Judaica, 1931 (Gabirol, Salomo ben Jehuda ibn; Abu-Ajjub Soleiman b. Jachja ibn Gabirol; 11th cent.)
His Poemas seculares, 1987 t.p. (Šelomoh Ibn Gabirol)
His The fountain of life, 1987 t.p. (Solomon ben Judah Ibn Gabirol (Avicebron)
Ibn Gabirol (1021/22-1059/60), 1995 p. 10 (1021/1022, n. Ibn Gabirol en Málaga ... 1059/1060, m. Ibn Gabirol) p. 14 (el judío malagueño Salomón ben Jeuhda [sic] Gabirol) p. 16 (Ibn Gabirol n. en Málaga, de una familia oriumda de Córdoba, entre los años 1021 a 1022, según los cálculos de Loewe .... En Valencia m. en 1059 ó 1060, según la tradición, asesinado por un musulmán celoso de su sabiduría)
Jewish encyc., 1916 (Ibn Gabirol, Solomon ben Judah (Abu Ayyub Sulaiman ibn Yaḥya ibn Jabirul); also known as Avicebron; b. ca. 1021; d. ca. 1058)
Krone des Königtums, c1994 t.p. (Salomo Ibn Gabirol)
La fuente de la vida, 1987 t.p. (Shelomó Ibn Gabirol)
LC man. auth. cd. heading (Ibn Gabirol, Solomon ben Judah, ca. 1021-ca. 1058; variants: Shelomoh ben Yehudah Ibn Gabirol; Shelomoh Ibn Gabirol; Shelomoh ben Gabirol)