Ausgewählte Schriften der syrischen Kirchenväter, 1874 t.p. (Rabulas)
Biog. dict. of the saints (Rabulas (Rabbula), of Ken-neshrin (Alep), Bp. of Edessa; b. at Chaleis; appointed bishop of Edessa in 412; d. 8 Aug. 435)
New Catholic enc. (Rabbula, 5th cent. Syrian bishop of Edessa; b. Qennešrīn, near Aleppo, c. 350; d. Edessa, 435 or 436; elected bishop of Edessa in 411)
New enc. Britannica, 15th ed. (Rabbula, b. c. 350, Qenneshrin, near Aleppo, Syria; d. c. 435, Edessa; reforming bishop of Edessa and theologian who was a leading figure in the Christian church in Syria)
OCLC, Apr. 27, 2000 (hdg.: Rabbula, Bishop of Edessa)