The National Library of Australia is replacing the infrastructure that supports the Australian National Bibliogaphic Database (ANBD) in 2025. From 27 March - mid-April direct cataloguing to the ANBD will be unavailable. The Trove Partners Cataloguing tool will be released in mid-April. More information is available on the Trove Partners learning hub.
Data from ALA Booklist for The Hundred years war, personal ... [VR] 1983 (Gush Emunim; movement among Israeli settlers)
Die Siedlerbewegung, c2010 p. [5] (Gusch Emunim)
Israel at the polls, 1979 p. 317 (Gush Emunim, lit. "Bloc of the Faithful", a nonparty pressure group with origins going back to 1967)
Le mouvement Goush Émounim et la colonisation de la Cisjordanie, 2006 t.p. (Goush Émounim)
Newman, D. Jewish settlement in the West Bank, 1982 t.p. (Gush Emunim) p. 27 (formal founding of Gush Emunim dates from 7th Feb. 1974 when a group of several hundred ... attended a founding convention)
Peleg, M. Le-hafits et zaʻam ha-El, c1997 p. 11 (Tenuʻat Gush emunim; a branch within the religious Zionist movement in Israel which seeks to re-establish the religious Zionist character of "greater" Israel by political activism and by settling in Judea and Samaria)