WWAmer, hist. v. p. 34 (Bachman, John, clergyman, naturalist; b. Rhinebeck, N.Y., Feb. 4, 1790; sec. to Johannes Knickerbocker in an exploring expdn. and embassy to Oneida Indians; taught school in Pennsylvania; licensed to preach in Lutheran Church, Phila., 1813; ord. to ministry, 1814; served at St. John's Church, Charleston, S.C.; founder South Carolina's Lutheran Theological Seminary; made collection of Southern animals and studied their habits and habitats; let to assn. with John Audubon (who used Bachman's work on ornithonlogy); tried to reconcile scripture with science during evolution controversy of 1850s; collaborated with Audubon on publd. work; d. Columbia, S.C., Feb. 24, 1874)