Libraries Australia Authorities - Full view
- Record ID:
- 61540082 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Name.
- Description conventions:
- rda
- Heading:
- Death:
- 0251
- Caesarea (Israel)
- Lived/located in:
- Cappadocia (Turkey) Jerusalem
- Occupations:
- Bishops Fathers of the church Christian martyrs
- Used for:
- Alexander, of Jerusalem, -251
- Notes:
- Fathers of the third century (Ante-Nicene fathers, volume 6), 1886 contents (Alexander of Cappadocia) editor's biographical note (A.D. 170-251. Alexander was at first bishop of a church in Cappadocia, but on his visiting Jerusalem he was appointed to the bishopric of the church there, while the previous bishop Narcissus was alive. During the Decian persecution he was thrown into prison at Caesarea, and died there.)
- Wikipedia 30 November 2017 Alexander of Jerusalem (Saint Alexander of Jerusalem (died 251 AD) was first bishop of Cappadocia then of Jerusalem.)
- Local system number:
- (AuPaJTL)36241
- Cataloguing source:
- VJTL eng rda VJTL