Afetinan, A. Life and works of Piri Reis, 1975 t.p. (Piri Reis)
Enc. of Islam (Pīrī Muḥyi ʼl-Dīn Reʼis, Ottoman navigator and cartographer; beheaded 962 (1554/1555) or 959 960; referred to as Pı̄rı̄ Reʼis)
Büyük lûgat ve ansikl. (Pirî Reis; Turkish mariner; b. Gelibolu, 1465; d. Cairo, 1554)
Ventura, A. La Puglia di Pirî Re'is, 1987? p. 5 (Pirı Reis, or Ahmet Muhiddin) p. 8 (Ahmet Muhiddin Pirı; b. end of 15th cent.) p. 9 (d. 1554, Egypt, prob. 85 yrs. old)
Ho Piri Reis, 1999 p. 1 of cover (1465-1553) p. 43 (b. between the years 1465-1470 in Gelibolu (Kallipolē) p. 50 (d. between the years 1553-1554 in Cairo, Egypt)
Enkykl. Papyros Larous Britannika, c1992 (hdg.: Piri Reis; Ottoman cartographer and explorer (1465-1554))