Baumgarten, A. I. The Phoenician hist. of Philo of Byblos, 1981 t.p. (Philo of Byblos) p. 2, etc. (Greek speaking litterateur of the Hadrianic period; Herennius Philon von Byblos)
BN [ser. 1] (Eranius Philo)
Encyc. Americana (Philo Byblius or Herennius Byblius)
Encycl. Brit. (Philo of Byblos)
Harper's dict. of class. lit. & antiq. (Philo Byblius; b. 61, Byblos; d. 141)
His De diversis verborum significationibus, 1988 t.p. (Herennius Philo) p. 15 (Erennio Filone) p. 16 (Herennius Philo Byblius, Herennius Philon Byblius) p. 23 (Erennios ho Philōn ho Byblios)
LC data base, 2/8/84 (hdg.: Philo, Herrenius, of Byblus; usage: Philo of Byblos)
Oxford class. dict. (Philon, of Byblos)
Papyros-Larous. (Philon, ho Erennios, geographos kai historikos, ek Byblou tes Poinikes)
Pauly-Wissowa v. 8, pt. 1 (Herennius Philo; Greek grammarian)
Wikipedia 21 December 2015 (Philo of Byblos (c.?64-141 ce), also known as Herennius Philon, was an antiquarian writer of grammatical, lexical and historical works in Greek. He is chiefly known for his Phoenician history assembled from the writings of Sanchuniathon.)