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Record ID:
56963542 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
Authority type:
LC number:
Used for:
Emanuel II Palaeologus, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425
Manouēl II Palaiologos, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425
Manuel II Paléologue, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425
Manuel II Palaiologos, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425
Manuele II Paleologo, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425
Paléologue, Manuel, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425
Palaeologus, Emanuel, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425
Palaeologus, Manuel, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425
Palaiologos, Manouēl, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425
Palaiologos, Manuel, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425
BM (Manuel II Palaeologus, Emperor of the East; ref. Palaeologus, Emanuel)
Chrysoloras, D. Centro epistole a Manuele II Paleologo, c1984 t.p. (Manuelle II Paleologo)
Enc. Brit., 1980 (Manuel II Palaeologus; b. 1359; d. 7/21/1425)
His Dialoge mit einem Perser, 1966 t.p. (Manuel II Palaiologos)
His Lettres de l'Empereur Manuel Paléologue, 1893 t.p. (Manuel Paléologue)
His The letters of Manuel II Palaeologus, 1977 t.p. (Manuel II Palaeologus)
LC data base, 3/22/84 (hdg.: Manuel II Palaeologus, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425)
Neōteron orthographikon kai enkyklopaidikon epitomon lexikon, 1955 (Manouēl II Palaiologos, 1348-1425)
Local system number:
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