Data from Churchill Films for Health in the later years [MP] 1983 (Milton Berle, host/narrator)
Washington Post, Mar. 28, 2002 (Milton Berle; d. March 27, 2002, Los Angeles, age 93)
LC data base, 1-16-84 (hdg.: Berle, Milton)
Phone call to Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, 06-05-02 (Milton Berle; b. 1908; d. 2002)
Internet movie database, via WWW, Jan. 9, 2013 (Milton Berle; Milton Berlinger; b. July 12, 1908, New York, N.Y.; d. March 27, 2002 in Los Angeles, Calif.; actor; spouses: Joyce Mathews (1941-1947, divorced), Joyce Mathews (1949-1950, divorced), Ruth Berle (1953-1989), Lorna Adams (1991-2002))