- Record ID:
54956891 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Occupations:
- Used for:
- Fanfani, Louis G., 1876-1955
- Notes:
- Canon law for religious women, c1961 t.p. (Louis G. Fanfani, O.P., doctor of canon law, master of sacred theology)
- OCLC, May 28, 2002 (hdg.: Fanfani, Lodovico G. (Lodovico Giuseppe), 1876-1955; usage: Lodovico G. Fanfani)
- Vatican Library in VIAF 17 Feb. 2014 (Fanfani, Lodovico Giuseppe, O.P., 1876-1955)
- Local system number:
- Cataloguing source:
- MoSU-L rda eng MoSU-L VJTL