Ryan North, accessed July 6, 2009 (Ryan North; b. Oct. 20, 1980 and raised in Ottawa, Ontario. Undergraduate degree in computer science with a minor in film from Carleton University and a Master’s degree in computer science from Univ. of Toronto. Author and artist of Dinosaur Comics, and co-creator of Whispered Apologies and Happy Dog the Happy Dog. Also created website Every Topic in the Universe Except Chickens, http://www.everytopicintheuniverseexceptchickens.com/, which was covered in a story by the Toronto Globe and mail on Nov. 17, 2006 ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_north)
Great grads profile - University advancement (Ryan North), accessed July 6, 2009 (North started Dinosaur Comics and its web site as a result of taking an Entrepreneurialist Culture class. In 2006, his book, Dinosaur comics: Your whole family Is made out of meat, was published by Quack Media. Dinosaur comics is his full time job ; http://alumni.carleton.ca/alumni/greatgrads_profile.cfm?gradid=141)