Corte, F. Consilia celeberrimi suaque tempestate primi nominis iurisc. ... D. Francisci Curtij, Senioris, 1580 t.p. (... i.v. consultissimi D. Hieronymi Zanchi, Bergomensis)
His The doctrine of absolute predestination stated and asserted, 1773 t.p. (Jerom Zanchius)
JoĢcher (Zanchius, Hieronymus; b. 2-2-1516 at Alzano, near Bergamo; at age of 15 became canon regular in the Lateran, where he remained 19 years; d. at Heidelberg 11-19-1590)
NUC pre-1956 (hdg.: Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590; usage: Hieronymus Zanchius, Hieronymus Zanchus, on English translations: Jerom Zanchius; on French: Hierome Zanchius)