Record ID:
50213285 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
Authority type:
  • Name.
LC number:
  • n 87860773
  • 1793
  • 184104
  • A history of the Highlands, 1849 t.p. (James Browne)
  • Halkett & Laing (A critical examination of Dr. Macculloch's work on the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland is by James Browne, LL.D.)
  • His A critical examination of Dr. Macculloch's work on the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland, 1825 (name not given)
  • NUC pre-56 (Browne, James, 1793-1841)
  • Wikipedia 25 Nov. 2012 (James Browne (writer): James Browne (1793-April 1841), Scottish man of letters, was born at Whitefield, Perthshire. He was educated at Edinburgh and at the University of St. Andrews, where he studied for the church. He wrote a Sketch of the History of Edinburgh, for Ewbank's Picturesque Views of that city (1823-1825). In 1826 he became a member of the Faculty of Advocates, and obtained the degree of LL.D. from King's College, University of Aberdeen. His works include a Critical Examination of Macculloch's Work on the Highlands and Islands of Scotland (1826), Aper©ʹu sur les Hieroglyphes d'Egypte (Paris, 1827), a Vindication of the Scottish Bar from the Attacks of Mr. Broughton, and History of the Highlands and Highland Clans (1834-1836). He was appointed editor of the Caledonian Mercury in 1827; and [in 1829] he became sub-editor of the seventh edition of the Encyclop©Œdia Britannica, to which he contributed a large number of articles.
Local system number:
  • (AuPaJTL)144978
Cataloguing source: