- Record ID:
50213275 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Bride, of Ireland, Saint, approximately 453-approximately 524
- Bridget, of Ireland, Saint, approximately 453-approximately 524
- Brighid, of Ireland, Saint, approximately 453-approximately 524
- Brigida, of Ireland, Saint, approximately 453-approximately524
- Brigide, d'Irlande en Wallonie, Saint, approximately 453-approximately 524
- Brigit, of Ireland, Saint, ca. 453-ca. 524
- Ffraid, of Ireland, Saint, approximately 453-approximately 524
- Brigid, Saint, of Ireland, approximately 453- approximately 524
- Brigid, of Ireland, Saint, ca. 453-approximately 524
- Notes:
- Curtayne, A. St. Brigid of Ireland, 1954 p. 18 (b. ca. 453) p. 115 (d. ca. 524)
- Encyc. Brit., 15th ed. (Brigit (Brigid, Bridget, Brigida, Bride, or Ffraid) of Ireland; d. c. 524-528, one of the patron saints of Ireland)
- Hoex, C. Enquete sur le culte et l'iconographie de sainte Brigide d'Irlande en Wallonie, 1973.
- Irvine, C. St. Brighid and her times, 1903 p. 94-95 (transition from Druid goddess to Christian saint)
- LC in RLIN, 5-14-86 (hdg.: Brigid, Saint, of Ireland, ca. 453- ca. 524.)
- New Catholic encyc. (Brigid of Ireland, St.; b. c. 460, d. c. 528)
- World book encyc., 1988 (Bridget, Saint; patron saint of Ireland, commonly known as Saint Bride, 451?-523?)
- Local system number:
- Cataloguing source: