- Record ID:
50067447 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Birth:
- Death:
- Used for:
- Otto, Saint, Bp. of Bamberg, 1060 approximately -1139
- Otho, Saint, Bishop of Bamberg, approximately 1060-1139
- Otto I, Saint, Bishop of Bamberg, approximately 1060-1139
- Otto, von Bamberg, Saint, Bishop, approximately 1060-1139
- Otto, Saint, Bp. of Bamberg, 1060 (approximately)-1139
- Notes:
- Bischof Otto I. von Bamberg, 1977? t.p. (Bischof Otto I. von Bamberg)
- Book of saints, 5th ed., 1966 (Otto of Bamberg (St.) Bp., d. 1139; canonized 1189)
- Holweck, F.G. Biogr. dict. of the saints, 1926 (Otto, Bp. of Bamberg, apostle of Pommerania, b. 1062; d. 6/30/1139)
- Milman, R. Mitslav, 1882.
- Local system number:
- Cataloguing source:
- DLC eng DLC Uk VJTL rda VJTL