Hymns ancient and modern, 1867 page x (Rev. Sir H.W. Baker, Bart.) page 346 (Baker, Henry Williams)
NUCMC data from United Society of Shakers, Shaker Library for His The shepherd's psalm, ca. 1930 (Henry W. Baker; composer)
LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Baker, Sir Henry Williams, bart., 1821-1877)
BLAISE (hdg.: Baker, Sir H. W. (Henry William), 1821-1877)
Dict. hymnology, 1985 (Baker, Sir Henry Williams, Bart., 1821-1877; vicar of Monkland, Herefordshire; succeeded to baronetry, 1851; composer of hymns and anthems; editor of H.A. & M.)
Wikipedia, viewed April 29, 2013 (Sir Henry Williams Baker, 3rd baronet; born May 27, 1821, London, died February 12, 1877, Monkland; English hymn writer)