The National Library of Australia is replacing the infrastructure that supports the Australian National Bibliogaphic Database (ANBD) in 2025. From 27 March - mid-April direct cataloguing to the ANBD will be unavailable. The Trove Partners Cataloguing tool will be released in mid-April. More information is available on the Trove Partners learning hub.
Its Anaphora, 1967 t.p. (Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch; Syrian Orthodox Church)
Encyc. Brit., c1978 (Syrian Orthodox Church)
World Council of Churches. Handbk, c1982 p. 196 (Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East)
LC data base, 4-13-84 (hdg: Jacobite Church)
Arvanitēs̄, A.K. Epitomos historia Syro-Iakovitikēs, Armenikēs kai Aithiopikēs Ekklēsias, 1967 t.p. (Syro-Iakovitikēs Ekklēsias)
Majallah al-Baṭriyarkīyah (Damascus, Syria), Kānūn al-Thānī wa-Shubāṭ 1996 t.p. (Baṭriyarkīyat Anṭākiyah wa-Sāʾir al-Mashriq lil-Suryān al-Urthūdhuks) cover p. 4 (Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East)
Syriac Orthodox Church a brief overview, WWW page, 15 April 2002 (Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch; in the past, the name of the Church had been translated to English as "Syrian Orthodox Church." The Holy Synod of the Church approved the translation "Syriac Orthodox Church" for use in English speaking countries in its session of March 28-April 3, 2000)
Guérillot, C. L'Église d'Antioche syrienne orthodoxe, 2008 v. 1, t.p. (Église syriaque orthodoxe)
Wikipedia WWW site, June 8, 2009 (Syriac Orthodox Church; Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East; autocephalous Oriental Orthodox church based in the Middle East, with members spread throughout the world; parted ways with Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism over the Council of Chalcedon in 451. The church is often referred to as Jacobite (after Jacob Baradaeus) or Monophysite, but it rejects these names. In 2000, a Holy Synod ruled that the name of the church in English should be the "Syriac Orthodox Church." Before this it was, and often still is, known as the "Syrian Orthodox Church." The name was changed to disassociate the church from the polity of Syria. The official name of the church in Syriac is ʻIdto Suryoyto Triṣut̲ Šub̲ḥo [in rom.]; this name has not changed, nor has it changed in any language other than English)
LC database, June 8, 2009 (usage in titles of post-2000 items: Syrian Orthodox Church)
Google books search, June 8, 2009 (usage in post-2000 books: Syrian Orthodox Church [predominant form], Syriac Orthodox Church)
Cetrez, Önver A. Syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkan, 1998 (Syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkan)