Libraries Australia Authorities - Full view
- Record ID:
- 49784974 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Name.
- LC number:
- n 83124685
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Greely, Adolphus W. (Adolphus Washington), 1844-1935
- Greely, Adolphus Washington, 1844-1935
- Notes:
- His The cartography and observations of Bering's first voyage, 1892 t.p. (A.W. Greely)
- LC in OCLC, 11/9/83 (hdg.: Greely, Adolphus Washington, 1844-1935; usage: A.W. Greely)
- UnM/Canadiana files (hdg.: Greely, Adolphus Washington, 1844-1935; usage: A.W. Greely; Adolphus W. Greely)
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)872874
- Cataloguing source:
- UnM eng DLC OCoLC