- Record ID:
49784721 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Birth:
- Death:
- Used for:
- Innocentius VIII, Pope, 1432-1492
- Innocenzo VIII, Pope, 1432-1492
- Cibo, Giovanni Battista, 1432-1492
- See also:
- Notes:
- Lucena, V.F. de. The obedience of a King of Portugal, 1958 6th p. after t.p. (Pope Innocent VIII)
- New Cath. Enc. (Innocent VIII, Pope ; b. Giovanni Battista Cibo, Genoa, 1432 ; d. Rome, 1492)
- NUC 56-67 (Innocentius VIII, Pope, 1432-1492)
- Sisto IV, Innocenzo VIII e la geopolitica dello Stato pontificio, 1471-1492, c2010
- Local system number:
- (AuPaJTL)84818
- (AuCNL)872517
- Cataloguing source:
- NjP eng rda DLC DLC Uk ItFiC DLC