Libraries Australia Authorities - Full view
- Record ID:
- 49782424 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Name.
- LC number:
- no2009078830
- Heading:
- Used for:
- ʻAbbās I, Viceroy of Egypt, 1813?-1854
- عباس I, Viceroy of Egypt, 1813?-1854
- Notes:
- Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
- Miṣr fī ʻahday ʻAbbās wa-Saʻīd, 2007 p. 19, etc. (عباس = ʻAbbās; b. in 1228 H/1813 M in Cairo; it's been said also that he was born in Jiddah, 1816; became viceroy of Egypt in 1848; d. 1854)
- Enc. of Islam, 2nd ed. (ʻAbbās Ḥilmī I; viceroy of Egypt, b. 1813, son of Aḥmad Ṭūsun (1793-1816) and grandson of Muhamad ʻAlī; d. 1854)
- Enc. Brit. (ʻAbbās I; viceroy of Egypt; also called ʻAbbās Ḥilmī I; b. 1813; d. 1854, Banhā, Egypt; viceroy of Egypt under Ottomans from 1848 to 1854)
- Acad. Amer. enc., 1995.
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)868902
- Cataloguing source:
- NjP eng NjP DLC