Das nationalsozialistische Lagersystem, 1990 p. 223 (Buchenwald; Concentration Camp Buchenwald; first mentioned July 1937 under the name CC Ettersberg; on July 21, 1939, became known officially as CC Buchenwald)
Verzeichnis der Haftstätten unter den Reichsführer-SS, 1979 p. 29 (Buchenwald; opened July 15, 1937 as KL Ettersberg [no publs. in LC database]; KL Buchenwald from July 28, 1937; liberated Apr. 11, 1945)
Jewish virtual library WWW Home page, Sept. 13, 2006 (Buchenwald concentration camp was located five miles northwest of Weimar in east-central Germany [not in the town of Buchenwalde, in Mecklenburg-Verpommern])
Das sowjetische Speziallager Nr. 2, 1945-1950, 1999: p. 7 (after 1945 when camp was liberated, became known as Sowjetisches Speziallager Nr. 2; still functioned as a prison until 1950)