Rñin ma rgyud ʾbum. The Mtshans-brag manuscript of the Rñin ma rgyud ʾbum, 1982- (a.e.) v. 2, t.p. verso (National Library, Royal Government of Bhutan, Thimpu, Bhutan)
Nado. ʾBrug dkar po, 1986 p. iii (ʾBrug-rgyal-yoṅs Dpe-mdzod-khaṅ)
Lcags zam Ban gtsaṅ ʾDus sdeʾi ... 1985 verso t.p. (National Library of Bhutan, Thimphu, Bhutan)
Sgrig lam rnam gźag lag len ʾthab thaṅs, 1999 t.p. (Rgyal-yoṅs Dpe-mdzod)