His Mit eenem Ooge kiekt der Mond, c1978 t.p. (Friedrich Hollaender)
Anything goes [MP], 1936 credits (additional songs by Frederick Hollander)
Performing arts biog. master index, 1981 (Fred Hollander; Frederick Hollander; b. 1896; b. 1892)
Internat. film necrology, 1981 (Friedrich Hollander; d. 1/18/1976; composer)
New Grove dict. of music and musicians, 1980 (Hollaender, Friedrich; German composer; b. London, 10/18/1896; d. Munich, 1/18/1976; AKA Frederick Hollander)
Der Blaue Engel [MP], 1930 credits (Musik, Friedrich Hollàˆnder)