- Record ID:
47753255 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Amara Siṃha
- Amarasinha
- Amerasinha
- Umur Singh
- Umura Singha
- Siṃha, Amara
- Singh, Umur
- Singha, Umura
- Notes:
- c. A.D. 600?
- Record covers additional persons.
- [Author of Agni-śikhā, Pāñcālī]
- [Author of The Umura kosha-]
- Amarakocha, ou, Vocabulaire d'Amarasinha, 1988.
- Author's Amarakocha, ou, Vocabulaire d'Amarasinha, 1988.
- His Agni-śikhā, Pāñcālī, 1985 t.p. (Amarasiṃha)
- The Umura kosha ... 1854.
- Who's who of Indian writers, 1983 Hindi sevi samsara, 1963-1965.
- Local system number:
- Cataloguing source: