- Record ID:
46570819 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Notes:
- The satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius, 1910: t.p. (tr. by the Rev. Lewis Evans, M.A. late Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford)
- World biogr. index WWW home page, May 11, 2000: (Evans, Lewis; clergyman, headmaster, writer; c.1815-1869 [citing Boase, F. Modern Eng. biography])
- OCLC, 11 May 2000: (hdgs.: Evans, Lewis, 1814 or 15-1869; Evans, Lewis, 1815-1896; usage: Lewis Evans)
- Cataloguing source: