- Record ID:
44817231 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Falari, 6th century B.C.
- Phalaride, 6th century B.C.
- Phalaris, Tyrant of Agrigentum, 6th cent. B.C.
- Notes:
- Bentley, R. A dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides and others, 1697.
- Seyffert, O. A dict. of classical antiq., 1961 (Phalaris, Tyrant of Agrigentum, d. 549 B.C.)
- Oxford dict. of classical lit., 1957 (Phalaris, tyrant of Acragas in Sicily; d. probably 1st half of 6th cent. B.C.)
- Enc. Brit., 1980 (Phalaris, d. ca. 554 B.C.; tyrant of Acragas (modern Agrigento, Sicily))
- InU/Wing STC files (usage: Falari; Phalaride)
- Cataloguing source: