LCCN 11-19045: His Polygraphie, et vniuerselle escriture cabalistique de m. I. Tritheme abb{acute}e, 1561 (hdg.: Trithemius, Joannes, 1462-1516)
His De purissima et immaculata conceptione Virginis Marie, 1506: p. 3 ( ... Johan[n]is, abbatis Spa[n]hame[n]sis; Iohannes Tritemius, Abbas Spanhame[n]sis)
Gabriel Biel super canone misse, 1542: t.p. (Ioannis Trittenhemij Abbatis Sphanhemensis)
Thybourel, F. Recueil de plusieurs machines militaires ..., 1620: t.p. (Trittemius)
Antwort Herrn Johan Abts z{ring}u Spanhaim auff acht Fragstuck jme von Weylandt Herrn Maximilian R{uml}om. Kayser etc. hochl{uml}oblichster Gedechtnuss f{uml}urgehalten, 1555 t.p. (Johan Abts zu Spanhaim) at end (Ioannes Trithemius Abbas)
Bibl. des impressions et des oeuvres de Josse Badius Ascensius ...1908: v. 3, index (Tritenheim, Trithemius (Joannes); Jean Trith{grave}eme, de Trittenheim, abb{acute}e de Spanheim)
Wikipedia, Sept. 4, 2014: "Johannes Trithemius" (Johannes Trithemius; born Johann Heidenberg, Feb. 1, 1462 (home town Trittenheim on the Moselle River, at the time part of the electorate of Trier); died Dec. 13, 1516, St. James's abbey (Schottenkloster), W{uml}urzburg; a German Benedictine abbot and polymath, active in the German Renaissance as a theologian, lexicographer, chronicler, cryptographer and occultist; connected with the Benedictine abbey of Sponheim (near Bad Kreuznach), elected abbot in 1483, resigned 1506, becoming abbot of St. James's abbey, W{uml}urzburg, where he died)