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Record ID:
44163411 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
Authority type:
Description conventions:
Used for:
Moschopoulos, Manuel, active 1282-1328
Moschopulus, Manuel, approximately 1265?-
Moschopoulos, Manouel, approximately 1265?-
Moschopoulous, Manuel, approximately 1265?-
Manouelou, toū Moschopoulou, approximately 1265?-
Moschopulus, Emanuel, approximately 1265?-
Moschopoulos, Manuel, approximately 1265?-
Dēmētriou Chalkondylou Erōtēmata synoptika tōn oktō tou logou merōn meta tinōn chrēsimōn kanonōn, ca. 1493: leaf 61 (... Manouēl tou Moschopoulou)
RLIN, 6/18/96 (hdgs.: Moschopoulos, Manuel, fl. 1282-1328; Moschopulus, Manuel, fl. 1282-1328; Moschopulus, Manuel, b. ca. 1265; Moschopulus, Manuel, fl. 1289-1328; usage: ... Manouelou tou Moschopoulou; ... Manuelis Moschopuli)
New Encyclopedia Britannica (Moschopoulos, Manuel, fl. late 13th-early 14th cent.; Byzantine grammarian and critic)
Oxford dict. of Byzantium, 1991 (Moschopoulos, Manuel; b. ca. 1265?; fl. ca. 1300 at Constantinople; writer and philologist)
His Tou sophōtatou kai logiōtaru Manouelou toū Moschopoulou peri schedōn, 1545
Renouard, Ant. Aug. Annales de l’imprimerie des Estienne ... 1960: v. 1, p. 64 (Manuelis Moschopuli)
Adams (Moschopulus, Manuel)
LC database, 1/5/96 (hdg.: Moschopulus (Manuel or Emanuel), Moschopulus, Manuel, fl. 1282-1328; usage: Moschopulis)
OCLC, 1/5/96 (hdg.: Moschopulus, Manuel, fl. 1282-1328, Moschopoulous, Manuel, fl. 1282-1328, Moschopoulous, Manuel, Moschopulus, Manuel, 13th cent.; usage: Manuelis Moschopuli, Manuel Moschopulus, Manouelou toū Moschopoulou, Manuele Moschopulo, Man. Moschopuli)
Cataloguing source: