Do not confuse with jazz guitarist, composer & band leader: David Gilmore [LCCN: no2006101245]
Tarshis, S. Original David Gilmour, c1986: cover (guitar)
The Guinness encyclopedia of popular music, 2nd ed. (Gilmour, David, b. Mar. 6, 1944; Pink Floyd lead guitarist)
Barrett, Syd. The Radio One sessions, p2004: container (Dave Gilmour), Sept. 24, 2006: David Gilmour bio. p. (birthname: David John Gilmour; David Jon [sic] Gilmour was born on 6th March, 1946, in Grantchester Meadows, Cambridge; lead guitarist of Pink Floyd), Sept. 24, 2006: bio. p. (David Gilmour was born on 6th March 1946 in Cambridge; best known as guitarist, vocalist and writer with Pink Floyd, he is also renowned for solo work and collaborations with other artists including Kate Bush, Paul McCartney, and Pete Townshend)
LCCN 96-788631: Secret policeman’s third ball, p1987