Record ID:
41791828 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
Authority type:
  • Name.
Used for:
  • Gladys Knight & the Pips
See also:
  • Helen Armstead-Johnson theater collection, 189?-199-: photo caption (Gladys Knight and the Pips)
  • Guinness encycl. of popular music, vol. 3, 1995: pp. 2342-2343 (Knight, Gladys and the Pips; vocal group; formed as the Pips in 1952, renamed Gladys Knight and the Pips, in 1961, on re-recorded version of song "Every Beat of my Heart," which was released to compete with earlier version of song recorded with Pips moniker. In late 1970s, due to legal disputes, The Pips recorded separately under their own name)
  • Penguin encycl. of popular music, 1989: p. 665 (Knight, Gladys, and the Pips)