Rebound [SR] p1987 label (Charlie Rich, singer/songwriter/pianist) program notes (b. Dec. 14, 1932 in Colt, Ark.)
LC data base, 10/16/87 (hdg.: Rich, Charlie)
Don't you step on my blue suede shoes [SR] p1980 container (Charley Rich)
Complete Sun singles, v. 4, p1997 booklet p. 36 (Charlie Rich released 2 singles on Sun in 1960, "Red man" & "Sad news" using the name Bobby Sheridan)
Wikipedia, Apr. 19, 2011 (Charles (Charlie) Rich; b. December 14, 1932; d. July 25, 1995 in Hammond, La.; an American country music singer and musician. A Grammy Award winner, his eclectic-style of music was often hard to classify in a single genre, playing in the rockabilly, jazz, blues, country, and gospel genres. In the latter part of his life, Rich acquired the nickname The Silver Fox)