His Li fu zong tong shu du hui bian, 1988? last page (Li Yuanhong)
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Li, Yüan-hung, 1864-1928)
Ci hai, 1979 p. 4022 (Li Yuanhong, 1864-1922; t. Songqing; served as vice president and president of the Republic [of China] under Pei yang military government between 1911-1917)
薛明劍. 黎元洪年譜資料, 1999: p. 508 (公元1864年, 元洪于陰曆9月19日, 即公曆10月19日辰時出生) p. 665 (公元1928年民國17年戊辰, 元洪65歲歿于天津) p. 670 (公諱元洪, 字宋卿, 湖北黃陂人也)