- Record ID:
36607486 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Ch‘en, Kung-po, 1892-1946
- Chin, Kōhaku, 1892-1946
- 陳公博, 1892-1946
- 陈公博, 1892-1946
- Notes:
- Record has non-Latin script (Chinese).
- His The communist movement in China, 1960.
- His Chūgoku Kokumintō hishi, 1980 t.p. (Ch‘en Kung-po) colophon (b. 1890; d. 1945)
- Cai, Dejin. Wang wei er hao ren wu Chen Gongbo (汪伪二号人物陈公博), 1993 t.p. (Chen Gongbo) p. 2 of text, etc. (b. 10/12/90; d. 6/3/46)
- Cataloguing source: