Philosophy Logic Ethics Catholic Church and philosophy
Catholic converts Philosophers Professors
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Geach, Peter Thomas, 1916-2013
Geach, Peter Thomas
Geach, P. T. (Peter Thomas), 1916-
Husband of Elizabeth Anscombe.
Guardian (online), viewed Dec. 27, 2013 (Peter Geach; b. Peter Thomas Geach, Mar. 29, 1916, Chelsea, London; d. Dec. 21, 2013 [Cambridge, England]; prominent Catholic philosopher admired for his mastery of logic and work on ethics)
His On the extended logic of relations, 1952.
His PersoĢnliche Verantwortung, 1982 t.p. (Geach) p. 98 (b. 1916; 1966- , prof. of logic, Univ. of Leeds)
Mental acts, 1957 t.p. (Peter Geach)
Prior, A. N. Papers in logic and ethics, 1976 t.p. (P. T. Geach)