- Record ID:
36556037 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Marcel, G. (Gabriel), 1843-1909
- Marcel, Gabriel Alexandre, 1843-1909
- Notes:
- His Portion of Panama and Central America, 196-? map recto (name not given)
- Canal Zone Library map checklist no. 126 (hdg.: Marcel, Gabriel Alexandre, 1843-1909)
- LC man. cat. (hdg.: Marcel, Gabriel Alexandre, 1843-1909; usage: Gabriel Marcel; G. Marcel)
- Tooley's dict. of mapmakers, 1979.
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)914941
- 000001564174
- abv03296875
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: