Born in Beveriedge, Victoria in 1855, the eldest of eight children; saved a boy from drowning and was awarded a silk sash for his bravery; arrested when 14 for alleged assault; again in 1870 for being a suspected accomplice of bushranger Harry Power; his mother Ellen was arrested and sentenced to 3 years' imprisonment in 1878 for aiding and abetting an attempted murder of a policeman; Ned, with brother Dan and friends Joe Byrne and Steve Hart went into hiding; Ned shot and killed 3 policemen at Stringybark Creek and from then on they were officially outlaws; he was captured at Glenrowen in June, 1880 and was hanged November, 1880 at Melbourne Gaol.
Enc. Brit., 15th ed. (Kelly, Ned, byname of Edward Kelly; b. June 1855, Beveridge, Vic.; d. Nov. 11, 1880, Melbourne)
Aust. dict. of biog., v. 5 (Kelly, Edward, 1855-1880; bushranger)