A correspondence between Bishop Creighton and certain of his clergy concerning the use of incense, 1905.
LC data base, 07/01/87 (hdg.: Creighton, Mandell, Bp. of London, 1843-1901; no usage)
nuc86-97321: His Persecution and tolerance [MI] 1895 (hdg. on WU rept.: Creighton, Mandell, bp. of London, 1843-1901; usage: M. Creighton)
Queen Elizabeth, c1966 t.p. (Mandell Creighton) fwd. (b. July 3, 1843; ed. at Durham Grammar Sch. and Merton Coll., Oxford; tutor at Oxford for 9 yrs.; became parson of Embleton in Northumberland in 1875; career historian; became Bp. of Peterborough in 1890; transl. to see of London in 1897; d. in 1901)
Wikipedia in VIAF 8 Dec. 2012 (Mandell, Creighton 5 July 1843-14 January 1901)