- Record ID:
36551425 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- De Vogel, E. F.
- Vogel, Ed de
- Notes:
- nuc86-32976: Author's Seedlings of dicotyledons, 1980 (hdg. on NvU rept.: Vogel, E. F. de; usage: E.F. de Vogel)
- Minderhoud, M. E. A taxonomic revision of the genus ... 1986 t.p. (E. F. De Vogel)
- His Revisions in Coelogyninae (Orchidaceae) III, 1988 CIP t.p. verso (de Vogel, E.F., 1942- )
- Orchids of New Guinea, v. 2, 2001- CD-ROM welcome screen (Ed de Vogel) accompanying booklet cover (E.F. de Vogel)
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)387630
- 000001559516
- abv02844735
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: