His Introduction to the mail-order business, 1984, c1981: t.p. (Julian L. Simon)
His Basic research methods ... 1985: CIP t.p. (Julian Simon)
His Economic controversies, 1997: t.p. (Julian Simon; College of Business and Mgt., Univ. of Maryland) data sheet (-2-12-1932)
Hoodwinking the nation, c1999: CIP t.p. (Julian L. Simon) fwd. (d. at age 66 in Feb. 1998)
His A life against the grain, 2002: CIP t.p. (Julian L. Simon) galley (d. Feb. 8, 1998; Ph.D., U. of Chicago) ch. 1 (occasionally used the pen names "Lincoln Pashute" (Pashute = simple in Hebrew) and "J. Lincoln Simon")