In 1968 the Université de Paris was legally divided into a number of separate entities which began to function about 1970. Works by the bodies established following 1968 are entered under the name used at the time of publication.
The Université de Paris and all other French universities and faculties suppressed in 1793. In 1808 they came under control of Université de France, which was est. as central admin. body for univ. ed. Under this system, country div. into districts, each. admin. by an academy under the Université. Faculties in Paris were admin. by Académie de Paris. Université de Paris reest. 1896 as independent body. Law of 1968 reforming higher ed. in France provided for division of Université de Paris into a number of separate entities, which began to function about 1970.
NUCMC data from Univ. of Ill. at Urbana-Champaign Archives for Goldman, M.S. Marcus S. and Olive Goldman papers, 1915-1979 (University of Paris)