- Record ID:
36517690 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Birth:
- Death:
- Used for:
- Gilbert, Ann, 1782-1866
- Lady, 1782-1866
- Taylor, Anna, 1782-1866
- Author of Rural scenes, 1782-1866
- Rural scenes, Author of, 1782-1866
- Gilbert, Ann Taylor, 1782-1866
- Notes:
- Taylor, J. Rhymes for the nursery, 1848.
- LC manual cat. (hdg.: Gilbert, Ann Taylor, 1782-1866)
- DNB (Gilbert, Mrs. Ann; better known by her maiden name, Ann Taylor; b. 1/30/1782; d. 12/20/1866)
- Armitage, D.M. The Taylors of Ongar, 1939 t.p. (Ann Taylor)
- My mother, 1816 t.p. (by a Lady)
- BL database, 9 Oct. 2007 (hdg.: Taylor, Anna.)
- City scenes, 1809 t.p. (Author of Rural scenes)
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)377300
- 000001525614
- abv03028089
- Cataloguing source:
- DLC eng rda DLC DLC Uk DLC IlMpPL
- Authentication code: