Record ID:
36514620 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
Authority type:
  • Name.
Description conventions:
  • rda
LC number:
  • n 90665118
  • 18450916
  • Irvine (Scotland)
  • 19211106
  • Sydney (N.S.W.)
Associated with:
  • Australia Queensland
  • Geologists Explorers
Used for:
  • Jack, R. L. (Robert Logan), 1845-1921
  • Jack, Robert L. (Robert Logan), 1845-1921
  • Logan Jack, Robert, 1845-1921
  • LCCN gs07-1000: New South Wales. Dept. of Mines. Mineral products of New South Wales, 1882 (hdg.: Jack, Robert Logan, 1845-1921; usage: Robert Logan Jack)
  • Geological Survey of Great Britain. Stirlingshire, 1874-1899 (Geologically surveyed by R.L. Jack; Robert L. Jack)
  • Wikipedia 26 September 2020: (Robert Logan Jack (16 September 1845 – 6 November 1921) was Queensland government geologist for twenty years. He was born at Irvine, in Ayrshire, Scotland. He studied at the University of Edinburgh and had some 10 years' experience with the geological survey of Scotland. Jack was appointed geologist for northern Queensland in March 1876. He arrived in the colony in April 1877, and soon afterwards was made geologist for the whole colony. He conducted several exploring expeditions and published reports. He resigned in 1899. In January 1900 Jack led an expedition to China starting from near Shanghai up the Yangtze River; on account of the Boxer rebellion, the party had to leave through Burma. He moved to England, but in 1904 came to Australia again and did work for the government of Western Australia. From 1907 he resided at Sydney where he died in 1921. in 1904 came to Australia again and did work for the government of Western Australia. From 1907 he resided at Sydney where he died in 1921.)
Local system number:
  • 000001522514
  • abv02948584
  • (AU-CaAIA)XX20603
Cataloguing source:
  • ANL eng rda ICU DLC CSt VJTL
Authentication code:
  • anuc