The following heading for an earlier name is a valid AACR 2 heading: Institute of Pacific Relations. British Council
Retirement policy, 1982 t.p. (Royal Institute of International Affairs) spine: (RIIA)
1990-nendai no Nichi-Bei-åO no enerugåi anzen hoshåo, 1987 t.p. (Eikoku åOritsu Kokusai Mondai Kenkyåujo)
China's market economy, c1998 p. v (Chatham House China Task Force (CTF), a group of 22 major British companies involved in industrial and business activities in China. The companies have come together under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (commonly known as Chatham House))
Materialy Mezhdunarodnogo seminara "Otvet terrorizmu i povstancheskim dvizheniëiìam v ëTìSentralnoæi Azii", 2002 t.p. (Korolevskiæi institut mezhdunarodnykh problem (Velikobritaniëiìa))