nuc88-105767: Her The Philippine Islands 1493-1898, 1973 (hdg. on CaBVaU rept.: Blair, Emma Helen, d. 1911; usage: Emma Helen Blair)
Wikipedia, November 26, 2014 (Emma Helen Blair; a United States historian, journalist and editor whose most notable work was a monumental documentary history of the Philippines; born September 12, 1851 in Menasha, Wisconsin; she graduated from Ripon College in 1874; after graduation she taught in public school for two years and then moved to Milwaukee, where she worked as a journalist; in 1892, she began postgraduate work in history, economics and sociology at Wisconsin State University; she later became a librarian at the Wisconsin Historical Society; in 1894, Blair resigned from the library staff and became assistant to Dr. Reuben Gold Thwaites, who was the translator of the 73-volume work Jesuit Relations (1896-1901); Blair participated in the editing and annotations; after her work on the Jesuit Relations, she assisted in the editing of the journal of Father Louis Hennepin and of the journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition, still working with Thwaites; in 1903, she began work on the project she is most remembered for, the translation and editing of Philippine historical documents that were published in the 55-volume series The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 (1903-1909); her last work was the translation and editing of documents for The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes (2 vols., 1911-1912); Blair died on September 25, 1911 in Madison, Wisconsin, just days after receiving an advance copy of volume 1 from the bindery)