- Record ID:
36238891 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Ḳarl, Eriḳ
- Kāru, Erikku
- קרל, אריק
- كارل، اريك
- エリック・カール
- カールエリック
- 卡爾, (美)
- 卡爾艾瑞
- Notes:
- b. 1929
- Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
- Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
- Engelbrektson, S. The sun is a star, c1963.
- ha-Zaḥal ha-raʻev, 1994 t.p. (Eriḳ Ḳarl)
- nuc88-110175: Marui chikyū no marui ichinichi, 1986 (hdg. on C rept.: Carle, Eric; usage: Erikku Kāru)
- Today is Monday, 1993 t.p. (Eric Carle) jkt. (b. in Syracuse, N.Y.; moved to Stuttgart, Germany, at the age of six)
- Local system number:
- abv02625770
- 000001245773
- (AuCNL)360559
- Cataloguing source: