His Cristóbal Colón, c1966 t.p. (Niko Kazantzakis)
His El jardín de las rocas, 1941.
Ho prōtomastoras (Hē thysia), 2012 title page (... Νίκου Καζαντζάκη = Nikou Kazantzakē) inside front flap (born 1883 in Ērakleio, Krētēs; died 1957 in Freiburg, Germany, studied Law, poet, author)
Igla, B. Die Tragödien des Nikos Kasantzakis, 1984 t.p. (Nikos Kasantzakis)
Odyseia, 1938 (2005 printing) t.p. (N. Kazantzakē) prelim. p. (Nikou Kazantzakē)
Patris WWW site, viewed February 20, 2013 (access point: ..Καζαντζάκη = ...Kazantzakē; used the strange pseudonym Κάρμα Νιρβαμή = Karma Nirvamē that has no gender) http://www.patris.gr/articles/210823#.USTzXzdziUc
Szabó, K. Kazandzákisz regényírói művészete, 1984 t.p. (Kazandzákisz) p. 5 (Níkosz Kazandzákisz)