- Record ID:
36108571 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Beard, Mary, 1876-1958
- Ritter, Mary, 1876-1958
- Beard, Mary R. (Mary Ritter), 1876-1958
- Notes:
- NUCMC data from Huntington Lib. for Saunders, C.F. Papers, 1901-1966 (Mary (Ritter) Beard, the historian)
- Beard, C.A. Basic history of the United States, 1944 t.p. (Mary R. Beard)
- Local system number:
- 000001114924
- abv02904558
- (AuCNL)853208
- Cataloguing source: