- Record ID:
36042136 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Notes:
- Guiness encycl. of music, 1992 v. 3 (Nirvana [group]; guitar/vocals: Kurt Cobain, b. 2/20/67)
- Kurt Cobain, 1997 CIP galley (On Apr. 5, 1994, Cobain blew his head off with a shotgun; his body was found on Apr. 8)
- Nevermind, p1991 booklet, p. 5 (Kurt Cobain)
- People weekly, v. 41, no. 15 (April 25, 1994) p. 39 (Kurt Cobain) p. 40 (d. 4/8/1994) p. 41 (b. 1967, Aberdeen, Wash.)
- Local system number:
- abv10919846
- 000001048159
- (AuCNL)341129
- Cataloguing source: