- Record ID:
36024377 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- Heading:
- Birth:
- Occupations:
- Used for:
- Von Gerber, Francesca Mitzi, 1930-
- Gerber, Francesca Mitzi von, 1930-
- Notes:
- South Pacific [VR] 1984, c1958: credits (Mitzi Gaynor)
- Halliwell's Filmgoer's companion, 1985 (Mitzi Gaynor; b. 1930; real name, Francesca Mitzi von Gerber; American actress and singer)
- IMDbPro, via WWW, 31 August 2010 (Profession: actress, soundtrack; born: 4 September 1931, Chicago, Illinois; credited years: 1949-2008)
- Library of Congress Name Authorities viewed 12 December 2016: (Gaynor, Mitzi,1931-)
- Local system number:
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: