- Record ID:
36010894 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- De Ketham, Joannes, 15th cent
- Ketham, Giovanni da, 15th cent
- Ketham, Johannes de, 15th cent
- De Ketham, Johannes, 15th cent
- Johan, of Ketham, 15th cent
- Joannes, de Ketham, 15th cent
- Johannes, de Ketham, 15th cent
- Kerum, Johannes von, 15th cent
- Ketam, Johannes de, 15th cent
- Ketham, Joannes de, 15th cent
- Notes:
- nuc85-61166: His Klein Wundartzney [MI] 1584 (hdg. on GmC Ketham, Joannes De, 15th cent.)
- LC data base, 1/7/86 (hdg.: Ketham, Joannes de, 15th cent.; usage: Giovanni da Ketham)
- The fasciculus medicinae of Johannes de Ketham Alemanus, 1924.
- Isis, 1924 p. 547 (Joannes de Ketham Alemannus, Johannes de Ketham) p. 549 (Johan of Ketham)
- JoĢcher (de Ketham, or von Kerum, Johannes; German doctor, fl. end of 15th cent.)
- BN (hdg.: Ketham, Johann von; ref.: Ketam, Johannes de)
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)888589
- 000001016741
- abv06255286
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: